This green belt used to be where trains travelled on their way to the old Gainers Meat Packing Plant located on 80th AVE and 96 Street. The tracks used to run down through the ravine to the lower loading area of the plant. Today, the upper walking trail utilizes the old trestles, and while the tracks used to end at the 80th Ave location, the path has been extended, and it’s a leisurely walk all the way down to the river. While walking the section between 95th Street and 93rd Street, you will see a tribute to the old railway, and on either end, you can still see where the old railroad ties used to be.
There are people who regularly drive to the location so that their pups can get in on the fun. There is more than ample parking along 68th Avenue right next to where we meet.
The green belt section runs alongside 68th Ave from 99th Street to 93rd Street and is officially off-leash except for the short area where the path crosses 96th Street. The crossing requires pups to be kept on a leash. You can download the official City of Edmonton map in PDF format showing the designated area by clicking HERE or on the image below.
No matter the season, this is a great area to walk the pup and enjoy some of the areas natural beauty. If time allows, take the trail beyond 93rd Street headed east and continue on down the old railway path as it heads north or, take the lower trail which follows along side of Mill Creek. This lower section is reached by veering slightly to the right (south) and going down a short hill in the east side of 93rd street and 68th Ave. This section is also off leash but the short stretch between leaving the green belt and the hill top is on-leash and there have been animal control officers in the cul-de-sac on many occasions so make sure to leash up.